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Currently reading

The Hardest Thing: A Dan Stagg Mystery
James Lear
Six Degrees of Separation
Taylor V. Donovan
Layla M. Wier
Owning Corey
Maris Black
The Great Escape (By Any Other Name #1.5) - Tia Fielding More like 3.5 stars
Breathe - Sloan Parker It was a very nice and engaging read - up until the final 20% or so. Then all this back and forth and all this 'I'll go to the police/parents/whoever but first I have to talk to xyz' got majorly on my nerves. The happy ending didn't much to remedy that.
The Ranch Foreman - Rob Colton It was ok and I finished it, that's all there is to say about this book. I think. Or no, I want to add that I didn't get what both see in each other, the insta-love and I also didn't get why, with a title like 'The Ranch Foreman' we get to know next to nothing about him.
Different - Kim Dare 3 - 3.5 stars
Gilliflowers (Memoirs of a Houseboy, #4) - Gillibran Brown Oh my - what a read! Somehow I had major problems to finally getting into it, started about 3 times and stopped again, until I chose it for my challenge and had to read on. And I'm very glad that I sticked to it. Poor Gilli, really, mostly he is his own worst enemy. I can understand his problems with having something vital in his social environment just plain forbidden forever, but really - at some point he just had to accept and forget about it. And Shane and Dick, yes, they are doing what they think is the best with regard to his epilepsy, but the way they implemented it was rather harsh. A little bit more talking on both sides would have done wonders. And anyway - the men folk, sorry guys, not everything is solved with a spanking! Insensitive - that's what Shane is most of the time and yes, in this book there were more signs of Shane and Dick really liking Gilli, but equal amounts of time they do what they accuse Gilli doing - seeing what they want to see. The beginning of the scene near the end, the one between Shane and Gilli - well, yes thankfully my Kleenex were handy. And still, Gilli's sorrow about his mom's situation - neither Shane nor Dick got it. Yes, the book ended on a positive note and I really want to read more of their life, but this book was a gripping read and it will stay with me for quite some time.
A Taste of Paradise - Sage Marlowe Yes, I really liked it. Found it because of the German translation on amazon.com, but decided for the original because of the price:) So, started yesterday and finished today - very cute, short read in between and one of the few with a not over-the-top-wonderful and out-of-this-world sex. Nope, Marc had to voice his opinion and work on Riordan to have a more successful side of their relationship:) In the end he got what he always wanted - his HEA.
This was the first book I read by this author, but it won't be the last one.
Aftermath - Cara Dee Finished yesterday, so now - what to write? I liked it, a lot. Read it in record time, didn't happen for a long time, so that says something. Nevertheless I feel as if something was missing? Some questions not answered? Like the background of the kidnapper and what drove him to do it? If the author wanted to convey that as the feeling of the kidnapped men - after surviving their ordeal still no reason for the why? - then this worked perfectly. I as a reader would have liked to get something more from that side of the story.

Then, the GFY on Austin's side - it was written very well, reasonable, still I'm not sure I can believe that because of marital problems and the 5 months both men lived with each other in a very stressful situation this would lead to a gay relationship? Well, the sex-scenes were hot:) and I liked Austin and Cam together. I liked, after ignoring my doubts, that Austin made up his mind and went after what he wanted.

In the end it all wrapped up a bit too perfect, nevertheless I would love to read more about this couple.
Overall strong 4 stars.
Snow on the Roof - Layla M. Wier, Dottie Stratton, Pinkie Rae Parker, Rhidian Brenig Jones, Amy Rae Durreson, Mari Donne, Tray Ellis, A.C.  Valentine, Chris Scully, John Inman, Maggie Lee, Kim Fielding, J. Leigh Bailey, Sam C. Leonhard, Linda James, Laylah Hunter Nachos on Saturday - 4 stars
Full Circle - 3.5 stars
Hunting Season - 5 stars :)
Ivory Black, Flecked with White - DNF
Loving Again - 3 stars
Curtain Calls - 3 stars
Straight Shooting - 2.5 stars
Picture This - 3 stars
Hero Worship - DNF
The Way to a Fisherman's Heart - DNF
The Bodyguards Dilemma - 4stars
Queening Out - 3 stars
No Place Like Home - 5 stars :)
Waiting for the Light - 4.5 stars
Granddad's Cup of Tea - 4 stars

Overall 3.5 stars
BTW I Love You - Nico Jaye More like 3.5 stars
The Broken Triangle - Jane Davitt, Alexa Snow Finally finished - feels like it took me forever! Although it was interesting and I was reading on, in the end this will be remembered for being the one romance book where finally the sexual relationship wasn't over-the-moon perfect. Nope, it was more like, em. well, like, every-day-life, perhaps? LOL! And that was very much appreciated:)
Turning the Tables - Kim Dare It was a very nice, engaging read, I especially liked the contrast between the D/s dynamic on the job and in private. It was the first longer read for me by Kim Dare and I hope she will write more of them.
The Gods of Guilt (Mickey Haller, #5) - Michael Connelly Yippee!!! Can't wait:)
My name is Pikachu - Matthew Figglepants 3.5 stars
Nice read, but sadly I was missing the chemistry between Tom and Stuart.
Sincerely, Terryn - Erin  Shaw Cute little read, fits the picture and prompt perfectly.
Hidden Hands - Shayla Kersten Nice enough, but nothing to write home about :)
Three Wrong Turns in the Desert - Neil Plakcy So - yes, I tried, really. It started out like some Indiana Jones wannabe and it was quite entertaining. Sadly, during reading I lost interest. At least I managed to read about 60%.