Finished yesterday, so now - what to write? I liked it, a lot. Read it in record time, didn't happen for a long time, so that says something. Nevertheless I feel as if something was missing? Some questions not answered? Like the background of the kidnapper and what drove him to do it? If the author wanted to convey that as the feeling of the kidnapped men - after surviving their ordeal still no reason for the why? - then this worked perfectly. I as a reader would have liked to get something more from that side of the story.
Then, the GFY on Austin's side - it was written very well, reasonable, still I'm not sure I can believe that because of marital problems and the 5 months both men lived with each other in a very stressful situation this would lead to a gay relationship? Well, the sex-scenes were hot:) and I liked Austin and Cam together. I liked, after ignoring my doubts, that Austin made up his mind and went after what he wanted.
In the end it all wrapped up a bit too perfect, nevertheless I would love to read more about this couple.
Overall strong 4 stars.